The Aga Khan Hospitals - Aga Khan Health Services
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Improving Access to Quality Healthcare for Over 100 Years

At the Forefront of Integrated Care

Aga Khan Health Services (AKHS) is one of three agencies of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) working to tackle today's greatest health challenges in low-to-middle income countries. Through our focused presence in Central Asia, East Africa, and South Asia, AKHS operates 14 hospitals and medical centres, as well as 375+ health centres, offering one of the most comprehensive non-profit health-care systems in the developing world.

6.5 million

Out-Patient Visits




Diagnostic Centres


Health Centers

Health Centres


Multi-Disciplinary Hospitals & Medical Centers

Our Geographic Priorities

To learn about AKHS hospitals, medical centres, and health centres please click on the country name below.

To learn more about the Aga Khan University Hospital network, please click here.

Dr. Gijs Walraven- AKHS

Message from Dr. Gijs Walraven

Director for Health, AKDN & Global General Manager, AKHS

AKHS’ model is built on the belief that good health is the fundamental human right of every person regardless of race, religion, gender, age, geography, political belief, or financial status. The health systems we develop and operate are centered on principles of universal access and equity, community participation, cross-sector collaboration, and the appropriate use of available resources to deliver maximum impact.

This approach has fostered a strong collaboration between AKHS, the Aga Khan University (AKU), Aga Khan Foundation (AKF), as well as Aga Khan Agency for Habitat (AKAH) and Aga Khan Education Services (AKES) who partner with us to integrate health content and priorities into their projects.

Through this network-wide collaboration, AKHS delivers care in the most remote, hard-to-reach villages of northern Pakistan, central & northern Afghanistan, and eastern Tajikistan to the coastal communities of Kenya & Tanzania, to the urban populations of Mumbai and Karachi.

Hub & Spoke Model of Care

Creating Sustainable Health Ecosystems

At AKHS, our approach to improving the quality of healthcare in the developing world is to build sustainable networks where community Health Centres connect to larger Medical Centres, which, in turn, connect to tertiary Hospitals that can provide more comprehensive care and who have the mechanism to refer complex patient cases to internationally-recognized Centres of Excellence both within and outside the AKDN network.

Community-based Health Centres are responsible for delivering basic health services and education to people who live in hard-to-reach localities or in areas that are remote from urban centers. These include immunisation clinics, nutrition counselling, family planning services, maternal and child care services, as well as health screening programmes.

Medical Centres are fully-equipped health facilities that provide more comprehensive care than what is available through our community-based Health Centres. Medical Centres are the next step in our integrated model of care and serve as referral sites. This means that if someone comes into a community-based Health Centre with a complicated health issue that requires specific diagnostic tests or a specialised treatment plan, they can be referred to a Medical Centre. The consultation can take place either in person or virtually (where possible) to minimise the burden on the individual.

Tertiary Hospitals within the AKHS network are full-scale medical institutions that provide a wide range of services such as intensive care units, specialist clinics like cardiology and oncology, cutting-edge labs and diagnostics facilities, operating theatres, etc.

By bringing community outreach together with a regional infrastructure and broad hospital network, this “hub and spoke” model allows AKHS to leverage expertise across our network – both at a country level and internationally – to provide integrated health care to the people who need it most.
AKHS Hub & Spoke Model_11zon

AKHS Integrated Model of Care

Our Leadership Team

At a country level, AKHS operates through independent National Service Companies that are registered as not-for-profit, non-governmental agencies. Each company has a Board of Directors, Chairman, and a group of directors that are responsible for decisions related to the hospitals, medical centers, and health centers within their local country networks. Please see below for an overview of our current leadership team that is comprised of Regional and Country CEOs, as well as Global Directors that represent core functions within our organisation.

Dr. Gijs Walraven - AKHS

Dr. Gijs Walraven

Director for Health, AKDN & Global General Manager, AKHS

CEO-Dr.-Nasrullah Afghanistan- Aga Khan Health Services

Dr. Nasrullah Orya

Chief Executive Officer, AKHS, Afghanistan

Dr.-Zeenat-Sulaiman-Regional-CEO-AKHS EA

Dr. Zeenat Sulaiman Khan

Regional Chief Executive Officer, AKHS, East Africa

Jane Wanyama

Jane Wanyama

Chief Executive Officer, Aga Khan Hospital, Kisumu (Kenya)

Sohail Ally Baluch

Chief Executive Officer, Aga Khan Hospital, Mombasa (Kenya)

Syed Nadeem Husain Abbas - Aga Khan Health Services

Syed Nadeem Husain Abbas

Chief Executive Officer, AKHS, Pakistan

Dr. Husniya Dorghabekova

Dr. Husniya Dorghabekova

Chief Executive Officer, AKHS, Tajikistan

Sisawo Konteh

Sisawo Konteh

Chief Executive Officer, AKHS, Tanzania

Dr. Maher Aboumayaleh

Dr. Maher Aboumayaleh

Chief Executive Officer, AKHS, Syria

Alex Manu AKHS

Alex Manu

Global Head of Finance, AKHS

Nadya Salim HashmaniAKHS GVA

Nadya Salim Hashmani

Global Head of Human Resources, AKHS

Nadya Salim Hashmani

Dr. Fawzia N. Rasheed

Senior Advisor to Director for Health & AKHS Lead for Climate & Environmental Sustainability


Habib Peermohammad

Global Internal Auditor, AKHS

Nadya Salim Hashmani

Naziah Lasi-Tejani

Global Communications Advisor, AKHS

Contact Us


AKHS Head Office


+254 722 203 622


+254 722 203 622