Aga Khan Health Service, Tanzania Bids Farewell to the Dedicated Team Behind the Successful KFW Vaccination Project

Aga Khan Health Service, Tanzania Bids Farewell to the Dedicated Team Behind the Successful KFW Vaccination Project

Dar es Salaam, July 4, 2024:  The Aga Khan Health Service, Tanzania bid farewell to the dedicated team behind the successful KFW Vaccination Project. Spearheaded by visionary team leaders and supported by the unwavering commitment of our institution’s management, this initiative has been a testament to resilience, collaboration, and the spirit of community well-being.

Since its inception, the vaccination project has been a beacon of hope, reaching various areas of Tanzania with limited access to health services. Through meticulous planning and tireless execution from July 2022 – July 2024, 381, 733, people were vaccinated, achieving 95% of the targeted 400,000 targeted population. Additionally, 625,079 people were sensitized across Morogoro, Arusha, Dar es Salaam, Pwani, Njombe, and Mwanza, and significantly contributing to the health and well-being of our community.

About Aga Khan Health Services:

Aga Khan Health Services (AKHS) is one of three agencies of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) that supports activities in health care, together with the Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) and the Aga Khan University (AKU). Working to address today’s most significant health challenges in low- and middle-income countries, the three agencies of the AKDN provide high-quality, equitable healthcare to over eight million people annually and work closely on planning, training, and resource development. Operating under the Aga Khan Development Network, Aga Khan Health Service in Tanzania has experienced substantial growth over nine decades, serving as a compelling testament to our dedication to healthcare and development within the nation.  AKHS facilities are renowned for their adherence to ethical standards, innovative approaches, and the delivery of top-notch, safe and evidence-based healthcare services. Our hub and spokes model, with one hospital here in Dar es Salaam, a medical centre in Mwanza and outreach centres across 14 regions of the country, has enabled our institutions to increase access to affordable quality health services, as well as to work closely with the government and other partners across the health spectrum.

Media contact:

Davies W. Nyari
+255 688 263 695