Specialties Services Mwanza - Aga Khan Health Service

Specialties at

Aga Khan Hospital

Mwanza, Tanzania


What We Offer

Our specialist physicians and consultants provide high-quality service to the patients to visit our hospital, supported by trained and experienced nurses with specific expertise in their respective fields.

Dental Services

Dental Services


Dental Consultation
Preventive Dentistry:
- Dental Scaling and polishing
- Fluoride application
- Oral health education
- Pits & Fissure sealings
Operative Dentistry:
- Tooth fillings (all types of fillings permanent& temporary)
Oral Surgery:
- Cyst exvcision minor case
- Dental tumor excision - small tumor
- Dis-impaction
- Dry socket/infected socket mng
- Epicectomy
- Frenulectomy / tongue tie release
- Gingvectomy / flap excision / operculectomy
- I & D small abscess
- Other minor oro-surgical procedures
- Post-exodontia hemorrhage mng
- Simple & Complex
- Suturing at opd/emd
- Tooth extraction (all types of extractions decidous)
- Pulpotomy
- Root canal treatment Cosmetic dentistry
- Crown jacket (temporary & permanent)
- Dental Bridge
- Denture
Cosmetic Dentistry:
- Teeth whitening procedure
- Veneering Direct
- Inter-maxillary fixation
- Manage all other dental conditions and oral diseases
- Teeth Splitting
- Tmj dis-location mng (closed reduction)

Contact us

+255 686 634 540

Operating Hours

Monday to Friday:
09:00am to 04:30pm

Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays:
10:00am to 02:00pm


Obstetrics and Gynaecology Services

Out-Patient Services

Paediatric Services

Pathology Services

Surgery Services